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A clear message from the technology market...

Regardless of the size of your company, international business opportunities for companies that produce technical products are substantial. Furthermore, currently 70% of the worldwide technology market is situated overseas and growing at a much faster pace than the North American segment.

Equally important is the ongoing reality that the manufacturers of the technology need more that their in-house sales efforts to remain commercially competitive. The successful companies are those that realize the opportunities in the fact that the majority of the technology revenue both domestically and internationally is through indirect channels of distribution.

Even the largest global companies have introduced channel programs in order to adapt to this industry reality. In Europe alone for example, over 80% of the IT business passes through distributors, OEMs, VARS, resellers and integrators -- and reflects tendency in most of the tecnology markets.

Only with a diverse mix of international business partners can North American manufacturers realize sustainable success in today’s global technology marketplace.


what the experts say...

bullet"In a market constantly expanding in both breadth and diversity of products, the role of distribution is constantly changing ... implementing the right channel strategy is key to the success of any business." (Dataquest, Distribution Report – Key Factors for Success)


bullet"The key for successful software business is NOT technology, but to set-up worldwide distribution." (K. Nishi, ASCII Group)



"One of the most important strategies to international success is to leverage local distribution partnerships." (Paul Kelash, Marketscan International / Miller Freeman)


bullet"We cannot dominate any market unless we dominate the channel that serves it." (Alistair Lamb, Managing Partners Marketing at Sun Microsystems)


bullet"The best investment that can be made in the success of any technology company is in the resources spent to develop its channel wisely." (P. Otaka, Anderson Consulting)


If you are not already capturing a good portion of the business that this current market opportunity represents, you can be sure that your competition is -- and using this added revenue stream to better compete with you at home. Your company is ALREADY paying a price for not being more active abroad.

At PRÉLUDE, we specialize in providing the right mix of technical and commercial assistance needed to get you into this market quickly, effectively and at costs you can afford.



Browse this site further for information on how we can help you to obtain your fair piece of the "international pie" . . .



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